Birthstone February | AMETHYST

Did you know that the color purple is said to occur in nature wherever there is a special power and energy? No wonder that the amethyst with its fascinating shades from delicate purple to strong dark violet was considered the "stone of kings" for centuries and was exclusively incorporated into crowns, scepters or royal jewelry. Fortunately, today it is also available for us mere mortals - and as birthstone of the month February, it is the star of our new mini collection!

Birthstone February | AMETHYST

Amethyst is definitely a power stone: it is said that it promotes concentration and helps to better absorb learning material and information. It provides inner balance during mood swings and protects against insomnia and nightmares. It symbolizes patience, calmness, strength and peace. This makes it a perfect gift not only for those who have a birthday in February, but also offers something for each of us to identify with. Also for Valentine's Day on February 14, a piece of jewelry with amethyst is an ideal gift, because it is said to strengthen the sense of family, friendship, emotional devotion and confidence of its wearer in himself and others.

Birthstone February | AMETHYST

Finally, a fun fact: the name "amethyst" comes from the Greek word "amethystos", which means "counteracting intoxication". The ancient Greeks made their wine goblets out of amethyst because the semi-precious stone was said to prevent or at least mitigate drunkenness. I do not guarantee the truth of this theory, but if someone can confirm it, I'm happy to hear about your experience ;).

Birthstone February | AMETHYST

If you are now curious about what jewelry I have designed with the February birthstone, then you can discover our new mini collection around the amethyst here. Feel free to write me how you like it! And for next month, I'm looking forward to ideas and suggestions on what kind of jewelry with an aquamarine you personally would like especially well. Because this is the birthstone for March, which I will present to you at the beginning of next month.